Last updated
Last updated
UnlimitedNameTags integrates seamlessly with various plugins to extend functionality and enhance the player experience. Below are the supported integrations:
Nexo integration is supported, but it could have some bugs due to the plugin still being in development. This integration adjusts the Y offset of the name tag based on the texture height, allowing for a more dynamic and immersive display of custom hats. When a player wears an Oraxen hat, the position of their name tag will shift to better align with the height of the hat, creating a smoother and more visually pleasing effect.
Oraxen integration is supported starting from version 2.x. This integration adjusts the Y offset of the name tag based on the texture height, allowing for a more dynamic and immersive display of custom hats. When a player wears an Oraxen hat, the position of their name tag will shift to better align with the height of the hat, creating a smoother and more visually pleasing effect.
PlaceholderAPI integration is supported for using placeholders. This allows you to display dynamic information in name tags, such as player stats, rank, or custom variables. Relational placeholders are also supported, enabling a more personalized experience.
MiniPlaceholders integration is supported for using mini placeholders. Note that you need to use MINIMESSAGE or UNIVERSAL as the name tag formatter to utilize this feature effectively.
TypeWriter integration is supported for disabling nametags when a player is in cinematic mode.
Bedrock integration is supported with Geyser. Not all features are supported, but the name tag will still be displayed.